Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


Here is some stuff for the Commodore 65, whose production was canned at the very last minute in late 1991.
To extract files from the .lha or .lzh archives, use LHX64 in the C64 mode, available from /pub/cbm/c64/archivers/.


Informal and formal documentation for C65
System firmware
Schematics for system boards
Source Code for some firmware and demos


1581UtilityV01.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 130755
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: 1581 utilities

65ce02.txt 2016-12-25 33383
Differences between the Rockwell R65C02 and the Commodore CSG65CE02
used in the 4510 processor of the Commodore 65. Composed by Michael Steil.

autoboot.lzh 2016-12-25 1172

bmdslide.lzh 2016-12-25 23925

border.zip 2016-12-25 1683
A border demo by Stephan Kleinert.
It's divided into a BASIC-Part, the .OBJ-File and the source-code,
which is a sequential file. The others are .PRG.

c128basicReference.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 163057
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C128 programs, docs, and examples

C65_DOS_Manual-DJ81-06.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 36986
C65 DOS Manual from Dennis Jarvis

C65_DOS_Tests-DJ81-21.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 286564
C65 DOS test programs from Dennis Jarvis

c65demo-910610.d81.gz    (dir) 2018-05-18 279859
C65 pictures demo 6a from Dennis Jarvis

c65Disk1.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 276260
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos

c65disk1.lha 2016-12-25 287744
C65 demo disk "c65 demo 900907" labeled "C65 demo disk #2 version 910107"
c65disk1.lzh 2016-12-25 248320
C65 iff pictures demo disk, plus regina and iff demo
c65Disk2.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 274921
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos

c65disk2.lha 2016-12-25 284672
C65 demo disk "sector skew 7" labeled "DEMO DISK #2 version 910501"
c65disk2.lzh 2016-12-25 284672
C65 demo disk "sector skew 7" labeled "DEMO DISK #2 version 910501"
c65Disk3.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 275003
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos

c65disk3.lha 2016-12-25 284800
C65 demo disk "c65 demo 910610"
labeled "C64DX DEMO DISK #2D Use with ROM v910624 VIC 4567R7 DMA F018A"
c65disk3.lzh 2016-12-25 284800
C65 demo disk "c65 demo 910610"
labeled "C64DX DEMO DISK #2D Use with ROM v910624 VIC 4567R7 DMA F018A"
c65disk4.lha 2016-12-25 71680
C65 demo disk "c128 basic" labeled "910923 Demo disk"
c65disk4.lzh 2016-12-25 71680
C65 demo disk "c128 basic" labeled "910923 Demo disk"
c65Disk5.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 39513
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: DOS files

c65disk5.lha 2016-12-25 41984
C65 demo disk "c65 dos" labeled "C65 DOS TEST PROGS 12/89 1581 fmt"
c65disk5.lzh 2016-12-25 343552
C65 pictures demo disk, unknown format, different than 1 and 6
c65Disk6.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 558463
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos/Pictures

c65disk6.lha 2016-12-25 555008
C65 demo disk "iff demo reel #1" labeled "C65 IFF DEMO REEL #1 FC65 (filecopy) hack"
c65disk6.lzh 2016-12-25 192512
C65 iff pictures demo disk, with autoboot

c65disks.txt 2016-12-25 10842
Commodore 65 software (demo disks) index file, uploaded by George Page.

Demos900907.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 276433
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos

Demos910610.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 275101
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos

DemosAutoboot.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 274936
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos -Sector Skew 7-

DosDisk.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 29205
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: DOS files

iff-demo.lzh 2016-12-25 718
A fixed version of the IFF demo that was on the demo disks. The original
demo does not run without an internal memory expansion and had also another
bug. The fixed version requires the IFF files from the demo disks 1-3.
Fixed and uploaded by Thomas Hechelhammer.

IFFDemoReel1.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 558476
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: IFF Demos/Pictures

InfoDisk1.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 165545
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C65 Information/Specs text files

K2demo.D81    (dir) 2016-12-25 819200
C65 Demo created by K2 group

KoalaDemo.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 73113
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Koala Show 2.1 and Pictures

pbsmoker.sfx 2016-12-25 32769

RomDumpsAndDemos.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 426272
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C65 Rom dumps, IFF demos

romsave-2.01.prg 2016-12-25 2049
Thomas Hechelhammer's program for extracting the ROM from a Commodore 65.
This version should work with all ROM revisions.

SampleIFFPics.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 14410
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: IFF files

sk-demo-iffs.lzh 2016-12-25 495893
sk-demo.lzh 2016-12-25 11518
A demo for the C65 by Stephan Kleinert. The files have been split into
two parts. The IFF pictures are in a separate file (true ILBM graphics).
The demo works with ROM version 910429 or later.

Turbo Disk 65 v2.prg 2016-12-25 2664
Turbo Disk 65 v2.txt 2016-12-25 4622
A disk utility written completely in BASIC. Works with ROMs
9101xx-9108xx. The program and its instructions are in German.

Turbo Disk 65 v3.prg 2016-12-25 2317
A newer version of Turbo Disk 65, released in March 1997. This one
was developed on ROM 910111, but it was also tested on 9104xx.

Utilities880922.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 94063
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: CBM DOS/Utilities for 64 and 128

WalrusSoftwareData870720.d81.gz    (dir) 2012-06-22 67035
From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Walrus Software internal docs

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