Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


Here are disks supplied with the Commodore 128.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by copyright law.


3rd party versions of the CP/M system
Source code for C128 CP/M system


1571-128d-v13-314855-02.d64.gz    (dir) 2014-07-31 65980
C128d 1571 test/demo disk v1.3 p/n314855-02

cpm.622-5002336.d81.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 277061
CP/M 3.0 System Disk, serial number 622-5002336. The disk label says:
"Serial No. 622-5002336", "Commodore 1581 (TM) 3.5" DISK DRIVE", and
"CP/M Version 3.0". The suffix "5002336" has been printed with a dot
matrix printer.

User areas 1, 2 and 3 contain some source code. The files
CPM3.LIB, CXEQU.LIB, X6502.LIB and Z80.LIB exist in user areas 1 and 2.
Others are identical, but in Z80.LIB, the JR, JRC, JRNC, JRZ, JRNZ and
DJNZ relative jump offsets have been fixed in the copy stored in user area 2.

cpm.system.622-3282252.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 76779
CP/M System Disk, serial number 622-3282252.
Dated 28 May 1987.

cpm.system.622-3297432.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 76777
CP/M System Disk, serial number 622-3297432.
Dated 28 May 1987.

cpm.system.622-580745.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 69220
CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, serial number 622-580745.
Dated 1985.

cpm.system.622-598666.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 69216
CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, serial number 622-598666.
Only a few bytes in cpm+.sys differ from the 622-580745 image.

cpm.system.6228129311.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 76236
CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, Serial No. 6228129311.
cpm.system.6228151676.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 76230
CP/M System DIsk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, Serial No. 6228151676.
The only differences from 6228129311 are in the CPM+.SYS file,
which probably stores three copies of the serial number. The
back side of this disk was identical with cpm-utilities2.d64.gz.

cpm.system.german-1986.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 77073
CP/M system disk, with modifications by Commodore Frankfurt,
dated 1 May 1986. Serial number unknown (disk marked 622-85).
In the used disk area, only the cpm+.sys file differs from the
6228129311 image.

cpm.utilities.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 80351
CP/M System User Utilities Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0. Dated 1985.

cpm.utilities.german-1986.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 81805
CP/M utilities disk, with modifications by Commodore Frankfurt,
dated 1 May 1986. Serial number unknown (disk marked 622-85).
Compared to cpm.utilities.d64.gz, there is one new file, setup.com.

cpm.utilities2.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 81785
Another version of the Commodore 128 CP/M System User Utilities Disk.
The setup.com file is different from the one included on
cpm.utilities.german-1986.d64.gz. Both are by Commodore Frankfurt,

cpm.utilities3.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 74920
Yet another version of the Commodore 128 CP/M System User Utilities Disk.
This was on the back side of the new system disk (May 28, 1987).
This disk contains exactly the same files ad cpm.utilities.d64.gz, i.e.
setup.com has been removed.

devpak128-102787.zip 2018-05-18 204174
Devpak 128 on four disks (D64 images).

diagnostics128.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 64050
Commodore 128 Diagnostic Menu. Test programs for the C128, C128D and
for the 1571 disk drive. Track 18 has been reconstructed.

README.cpm.disks.txt 2007-06-13 5454
A more detailed comparison of the Commodore 128 CP/M disks. Composed
by William Levak.

README.cpm.files.txt 2007-06-13 1196
A rough comparison of the files contained on 5¼" Commodore 128 CP/M
system disks. Composed by Marko Mäkelä.

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