Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


3rd party firmware for the PET


Found in UD4 of a CBM 2001-16N in Germany. See http://mhv.bplaced.de/ultra-electronic.html


324381-01b.bin 2017-05-23 4096
PET High Speed Graphic Rev 1B

4032-2001N-9000-basic45-sys37000.bin 2019-07-22 4096
Basic extension for 40 col PETs. Basic 4.5 -- sys 37000 to start.

40col_diag_20_10_1_f000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
Diag rom for 40 col PET kernal socket.
Find diag clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet

8-4032-9inches.bin 2019-12-31 2048
Completely unknown option from from a 9" 4032. Also possibly corrupt image.

8032-CraneOperator.zip 2021-07-30 9452
Package of roms from 8032, possibly to operate a crane

80col_diag_v1.1.bin 2022-04-14 4096
Diag rom v1,1 for 80 col PET kernal socket
Find diag clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet

901447-18.081c7aad.bin 2022-07-11 2048
Unknown rom, probably Diagnostics-related.

901447-30-9000.bin 2022-04-14 4096
2001 diag rom @ 9000 - sys 38912 to start
Find diag clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet

901447-30_2001_ext_diag_unit.bin 2021-09-06 4096
2001 diag rom for external expansion. Might be at $9800
Find diag clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet

901481-01_80col_diag_f000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
Diag rom for 80 col PET kernal socket
Find diag clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet

amon1_a0.bin 2020-10-19 2048
2k monitor for the 30xx at $a000. Uploaded by Christian Forstreuter.

arrow-a000.bin 2009-08-18 2048
A 3600 baud tape fastloader for BASIC 2.

arrow-v4-a000.bin 2022-01-07 2048
A 3600 baud tape fastloader for BASIC 4.

arrow.txt 2022-01-10 1198
Instructions for Arrow.

Basic Expand-a000.bin 2009-08-18 4096
Basic Expand is a support tool for the Basic programmer on CBM3016/3032
machines. It contains a lot of helpful additional Basic commands such


The file is for a 4k EPROM located at the addresses $a000-$afff.
Uploaded by: guettich@t-online.de

Basic Expand.txt 2009-08-18 3541
User's manual of Basic Expand (in German)

BATPRO.zip 2009-08-18 1271231
Basic, Assembly, & Text Processor. Includes ROM images, pdf docs.

BEC_Accounting_bcc-2.bin 2021-09-06 2048
ROM for BEE Accounting software

bee_3.1.b000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
Unknown dongle rom @ b000

BPI_Accounting_Dongle_bpi-3.bin 2021-09-06 2048
ROM for BPI Accounting package

characters-901447-10m.bin 2014-03-02 2048
Custom char generator for PET. Unknown author.

com40n.bin 2009-02-28 4096
Command-O ROM - 1980 BASIC Plus I com4-ou-1581

command-o_rom-9000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
Command-O ROM - 1980 BASIC extension

create-base_rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 2048
Option rom for Create-a-Base. This rom appears short, and is

untested. If you have another copy, please upload it.

cross_ref-rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
cross ref option rom. Alsoa byte short, and untested.

disc-o-pro_1980_30xx.rtf 2020-10-19 8804
Docs for disc-o-pro BASIC extension (discopr9.bin)

discopr9.bin 2020-10-19 4096
BASIC extension for 30xx at $9000. SYS 36864. Uploaded by Christian

edex_4.2_french_a000_ud11.bin 2022-11-06 4096
EDEX 4.2 BASIC enhancement for 8032

edex_4.4_french_a000_ud11.bin 2015-08-18 4096
Option rom found in UD11 of a French 8096 computer

edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04-azerty.bin 2022-11-06 2048
Alternate editor rom from French PET 8032 w/ AZERTY keyboard

EXBASIC_levelII.zip 2021-11-12 94339875
Expanded BASIC for all PET models. Includes german-language pdf manual.

helpb4_ue10_97f8.bin 2019-04-05 4096
Unknown utility eprom from an 8296, started with SYS38904

infodesigns-20447.bin 2014-03-02 2048
Unknown UD12 chip labeled Info Designs

jimsam4_rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Jinsam 4 Database option rom. Tested and working, but a byte short.

jinsam8-rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Jimsam 8 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

kram2.0-rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Kram 2.0 option rom for $9000. 1 byte short, and untested.

kram2.0-rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Kram 2.0 option rom for $a000. 1 byte short, and untested.

mcterm1.11-rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
McTerm 1.1 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

mcterm1.17-rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
McTerm 1.17 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

mcterm1.21_rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4094
McTerm 1.21 option rom. 2 bytes short, and untested.

micromon40-plus-a000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
ml monitor rom for 40 col pets @ a000

micromon40-ud12.bin 2021-09-06 4096
ml monitor rom for 40 col pets in UD12

micromon80-ud11-a000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
ml monitor rom for 80 col pets @ a000

micromon_9000.bin 2021-02-11 4096
ml monitor rom from unknown pet. sys36864 to enter.

mikromon-instructions-DE.pdf 2022-04-14 12496767
Commands and docs for Mikromon, in German

mikromon.bin 2016-04-24 4096
Mikromon rom from cbm 3008

monitor_6502_8032_9000.bin 2022-05-01 4096
6502 Monitor by Manfred Tausch from 8032

Monjana1Assembler.38000.bin 2015-12-08 2048
Mojana Assember, labeled MON 697B. Started with SYS 38000

Monjana1Assembler_user_manual.pdf 2022-01-17 2720631
Mojana Assembler rom manual

msvweigh-a000.bin 2009-08-18 4096
This program controls an electronic scale.

newtim-9000.bin 2009-08-18 4096
NEWTIM S is an expanded TIM monitor for the CBM3016/3032. It contains
40 additional commands such as assembler and disassembler and supports
comfortable printer output. In addition, it contains a DOS wedge that
can be accessed from BASIC.

The file is for a 4k EPROM located at the addresses $9000-$9fff.
Uploaded by: guettich@t-online.de

newtim.txt 2009-08-18 12485
User's manual of NEWTIM S (in German)

newtim31-9000.bin 2011-11-23 4096
newtim v.3.1 o.p.104 (9000-9FFF)

oracle rom 9000.bin 2021-10-08 4096
For Oracle Consultant from Delphi Group

OrgaBASIC101-a000.bin 2011-11-23 4096
ORGABASIC 101 V 1.4.015 (A000-AFFF)

oth-9000-ue10.bin 2022-05-01 4096
The contents of a 2532 EPROM labelled OTH 001321, plugged into the
UE10 socket of an 8296. Almost identical to SUO-9000.BIN, so perhaps
a calc result rom.

paics2001-b000.bin 2020-10-19 2048
Paics $8000 for BASIC 1 PET 2001. Uploaded by Christian Forstreuter

paics_fish_b000.bin 2021-02-11 4096
Multifunction run from unknown pet. Use SYS45056 for PAICS toolkit, and SYS
48267 for Fish n chip

pal_assembler_a000.bin 2021-09-13 4096
PAL Assembler. SYS40960 to execute

paperclip-unk.bin 2021-09-06 2048
Similar to Paperclip-20 rom, so perhaps an unk version

PaperClip20.bin 2021-10-08 2048
Option rom labeled CES PaperClip 2.0

pascal3.0_rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
TCL Pascal 1.6 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

pet80.zip 2017-07-03 17490
eproms from a 9" 40 to 80 column adapter in a CBM 3008

pet8032sk_sv-UD11-2732-104883B.bin 2009-08-18 4096
An $a000 ROM inside a Swedish 8032-SK, an 2732 EPROM labeled 104883B.
What is this? Dumped by MagerValp@cling.gu.se.

petbasic2-erweiterung-b000.bin 2009-08-18 2048
This is a German BASIC expansion (BASIC ERWEITERUNG 1), started with

SYS47100, using 2k of ROM. The commands are:

petester.bin 2015-07-19 4096
Kernel replacement that tests non-CRTC PET memory and screen

PetMaster_Superchip_QuickRef.pdf 2010-03-29 399298
QuickReference chart for PetMaster Superchip.

pettest2.bin 2018-01-18 4096
Kernel that tests 40 column CRTC PET memory and screen by Dave M

PETTESTE2KV04.zip 2021-08-03 3362469
Diag rom for all PETs developed by David E. Roberts.

pettester8032.bin 2015-07-19 4096
8032 version of pettester.bin, supports CRTC

picchip2001-9000.bin 2020-10-19 2048
PicChip $9000 for BASIC 1 PET 2001. Uploaded by Christian Forstreuter

picChip_micromonplus_doswedge_a000.bin 2021-02-11 4096
Multi-function rom from unknown pet. Use SYS 40960 for picchip, 44103 for
micromon, and 33559 for dos wedge. The wedge suggests 2.0 machines?

power-rom-9000.bin 2021-09-06 4096
Option rom for unknown program

power_basic_30xx_a000.bin 2019-06-24 4096
Power BASIC extension rom for PET 30xx models (and 2001-XX non-CRTC pets?)

power_basic_8032_a000.bin 2022-05-01 4096
Power BASIC extension for 8032 PETs by Michael Shulte (sys 40960)

power_rom-9000.bin 2021-09-13 4096
BASIC programming add-on POWER by Brad Templeton. Known to work on

40 col CRTC PETs. Maybe others?

programmersToolkitArticlesPDF.tar.gz 2010-03-29 2252777
Two PDFs with some high level usage information about PET Programmers

s-tool_ud3.bin 2017-03-06 4096
Disk Wedge + keyboard autorepeat option ROM found on an italian 3032 on
position UD3. Activated by SYS37000.

sm-kit.zip 2019-06-24 233827
SM-Kit BASIC 4 extension and ML monitor on a 4k ROM. Includes the pdf
manual. No version listed, so, rev1?

SMK_B_2.2-UD3.bin 2017-10-20 4096
SM-Kit Rev 2.2, BASIC utility extension for BASIC4 PETs

SMKit_2.2_B+M_8032.zip 2022-07-11 7850
SMKit BASIC and ML Utils for 8032, UD11 and UD12 bin files in this package.

smkit_m2_b2.zip 2020-10-01 1043774
SM-Kit Revs 2.1-2.4 BASIC 4 extension ROMs for different PETs. Includes pdf.

spellmaster-9000.bin 2014-03-02 4096
Spellmaster ROM for the Spellmaster spell checking program used with Wordpro.
This is a 2532 EPROM with a gold colored paper label and is located at $9000.

suo-9000.bin 2009-08-18 4096
The contents of a TMS2532JL EPROM labelled SUO 001024, plugged into the
UD12 socket of a Finnish CBM 8032-SK (Commodore Model 200). Might be

a Calc Result rom, as it has been confirmed to allow that software to run.

Super_Monitor_3032_B000_Metz_1983.bin 2018-09-25 4096
Monitor rom found in 3032. Provided by Christian.

superchip-9000.bin 2009-08-18 2048
An editor enhancement.

superchip-toolkit.txt 2009-08-18 1183
Instructions for Superchip and Toolkit, which can be used together and
with Arrow.

superchip40-9000.bin 2021-09-17 2048
SuperChip editor enhancement 4.0

TCLpascal1_8 .zip 2019-06-24 52314
TCL Pascal 1.8 with option rom and .d80 disk image.

toolkit-b000.bin 2009-08-18 2048
toolkit-b000.txt 2009-08-18 1324
The BASIC Programmer's Toolkit (3032 version). Adds new commands to
PET's BASIC interpreter.

toolkit3.0-rom-b000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Toolkit 3.0 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

toolkit4.0_alt-a000.bin 2021-09-17 2048
Alt version of toolkit4.0_rom, differs by 2 bytes and padding

toolkit4.0_rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Toolkit 4.0 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested.

ud11_1541_80_a_2532.zip 2020-10-01 4344
ROM that possibly allows a 1541 to be used from the user port.

UD7_dump_univertex_8032_50hz.bin 2020-04-13 2048
Unknown "Univertex" rom for 50hz 8032 in UD7

unk_ayates.zip 2021-10-08 19116
Unknown 2k and 4k roms from Allen Yates disk collection.

unk_ud12_ ST-01_80D.bin 2022-05-01 4096
Unknown rom from 4032 in UD12

visicalc-9000.901472-04.bin 2009-08-18 4096
Firmware for running all versions of Visicalc. The chip was manufactured
by MOS Technologies, and it is mapped at the $9000-$9fff area.

visicalc_rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
Visicalc option rom -- tested!

watbas2-t2193.bin 2014-03-02 2048
Waterloo Structured BASIC for basic v2 PETs. sys36864 to start.

watbas4-5929.bin 2014-03-02 2048
Waterloo Structured BASIC for UD12 on basic v4 PETs. sys36864 to start.

wedge.zip 2019-01-11 32597
ROM or loadable DOS wedge for $9000 or $a000

wordcheck_rom-9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
WordCheck option rom

wordcraft-9000.bin 2009-08-18 4096
2532 EPROM, "Wordcraft, HI7, UD12". The chip was installed in the
socket UD12 of a CBM 8032 with Finnish keyboard layout.

wordpro-a000.bin 2014-03-02 4096
ROM for the Wordpro word processor for the PET. This is a mask programmed ROM
labeled PSI-5054 and is located at $A000. It is used for version 4 and 5 of
Wordpro. Version 3 did not require a ROM.

wordpro3-keyrom.bin 2014-03-02 4096
Uncertain, but apears to be wordpro v3 keyrom.

wordpro3-rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
WordPro 3 option rom for $a000. Also 1 byte short, and untested.

wordpro3-rom.9000.bin 2018-03-09 4095
WordPro 3 option rom for $9000. Also 1 byte short, and untested.

wordpro4_rom-a000.bin 2018-03-09 2048
WordPro 4 option rom. Truncated and untested.

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