Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



CROTCHET.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 1679
GeoFont 1.4.
2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 1/4 notes, barlines and symbols. Doug Nye.
GUITARCHART.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 686
geoWrite V2.1 document.

Major,Minor,7th,Minor 7th,Major 7th, 9th
MINIM.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 1683
GeoFont 1.4.
2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 1/2 notes, barlines and symbols. Doug Nye.
MUSIC #&b.cvt 2021-11-12 7620

MUSIC 1.cvt 2021-11-12 6604

MUSIC 1_16.cvt 2021-11-12 9144

MUSIC 1_2.cvt 2021-11-12 8636

MUSIC 1_4.cvt 2021-11-12 7620

MUSIC 1_8.cvt 2021-11-12 9144

MUSIC SCALE.cvt 2021-11-12 11684

Music.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 1274
CadFont 0416 V1.
Music.lnx.gz 2009-08-18 12958
Fonts for typesetting notes.
NOTES QTR.cvt 2021-11-12 4064

NOTES WHL.cvt 2021-11-12 4064

QUAVER.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 1933
GeoFont 1.4.
2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 8th notes, barlines and symbols. Doug Nye.
SEMIBREVE.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 1168
GeoFont 1.4.
2 and 1/2 oct. music font. Whole notes, natural signs and signs & dots.
Doug Nye.
SEMIQUAVER.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 2044
GeoFont 1.4.
2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 16th notes, barlines and symbols. Doug Nye.
tablaturefon.lnx.prg 2021-11-25 10414
Guitar music fonts by Dale Lute
26 point. Letters placed on a musical scale. T. Dively
WORDSONG.cvt.gz 2009-08-18 2587
GeoFont 1.4.

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