Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



34FILLS.CVT 2021-11-23 768
Use the "extra" fill patterns

40 scrn print.cvt 2021-11-26 1020
Dump 40 col screen to printer by Greg King

AutoRAW has been tested and successfully runs under GEOS 64 versions
1.3 and 2.0, and GEOS 128 versions 1.4 and 2.0 in both 40 and 80
column modes.

CalcMove.cvt 2009-08-18 2944
CalcMove.doc.cvt 2009-08-18 1370
CalcMover V1 by Steven E. Eyrse.
This will move the Calculator to where YOU want it. Airs' :)

calendar 1.0.cvt 2021-12-10 14938
Calendar 1.0: datebook by Jung & Wedgwood

change input.cvt 2009-08-18 2176
Change Input V1.0 by Arthur J. Dahm III.

change printer.cvt 2021-12-03 2071
Change printer driver DA by Arthur Dahm

convert2.5(da).cvt 2021-11-25 6025
Convert GEOS files to SEQ 2.5 desk accessory

culture.lnx 2021-11-30 9108
Game of Life type desk accessory

da-runner.lnx 2021-11-26 6865
Run any desk accessory from 3 drives by Jim Collette

disp.clk.1.2-1.3.cvt 2021-12-09 1071
Installs a constant-display clock for GEOS 1.2 and 1.3

fontswap.cvt 2021-11-26 3371
Select fonts from inside geoWrite or another app

FontSwap128.cvt 2009-08-18 5248
FontSwap V1.5 by Payton W. Snider II.

FPE.sfx 2009-08-18 20736
FPE is a full featured fill pattern editor, created specifically for
use with GeoPaint, although it will work with other applications as

geoalbum.lnx 2021-12-21 18836
geoAlbum - Copies screen into a photo album, by J Major.

Includes Album Timer and mouse drivers for it.

geoformat.cvt 2021-12-08 3832
Fast formatting da by Arhur Dahm v1.0

geohexcalc.cvt 2021-12-03 3707
Programmer calculator that supports HEX. by Bill Sharp

geohexcalc.lnx 2021-12-08 7762
geoHexCalc v1.0 - Hex calculator by Bill Sharp

geohexcalc1.lnx 2021-12-08 8576
geoHexCalc V1.0 by Bill Sharp. This file may be corrupted. The doc is in
geoWrite V1.1 format.

geos info.cvt 2021-12-08 9507
A sort of instant screen saver DA, by Jeff Fox

geoSliders.cvt 2009-08-18 4526
geoSliders V1.0 by Lester Gock.

geoSliders.DOC.cvt 2009-08-18 2657
geoWrite V1.1 document.
geoSliders.PRN.cvt 2009-08-18 2896
geoWrite V1.1 document.
GEOSMON.cvt 2009-08-18 4480
Monitor V1.3 by Mystical Stuff. This file may be corrupted.

getDirectory.cvt 2009-08-18 2432
getDirectoryV1.2 by Nick Vrtis. This file may be corrupted.

getdirectory1.2.cvt 2021-12-07 2320
Get Directory to text scrap, by Nick Vrtis.

grabit2.lnx 2021-11-17 4093
Grab graphics from screen 1.0 by Richard A Rardin

HAL 2001.RAW.cvt 2009-08-18 18944
RAW V1.0 file. This file may be corrupted.

HEX_PRINT.cvt 2009-08-18 1408
Steve DA V1.0 by Steven E. Eyrse.

HEX_PrintHP.cvt 2009-08-18 1408
Steve DA V1.0 by Steven E. Eyrse.

IconGrabber.lnx 2021-11-23 28192

InfoView-1.0.cvt 2009-08-18 5504
InfoViewDA V1.0 by Douglas Adams. Lets you to view a program's info
box and the icon from another program. The document is in
geoWrite V2.1 format.

InfoView-1.0.docs.cvt 2009-08-18 3903
InfoView-2.0.cvt 2009-08-18 6272
InfoViewDA V2.0 by Douglas Adams. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 format.

InfoView-2.0.docs.cvt 2009-08-18 4665
Input Choices 2.cvt 2009-08-18 2304
Select InputV2.0 by Rick Coleman.

Locate128.lnx 2021-11-23 18226
GEOS 128 accessory for locating files on a disk

Mailbars-1.0.lnx 2009-08-18 15506
This program helps you interpret the bar codes used on envelopes in the
North American postal system. Programmed by Steven E. Eyrse.
The document is in geoWrite V2.1 format.

marker.cvt 2021-11-26 1626
A measuring tool, esp useful for geoPaint, by David Ferguson

minidesk.cvt 2021-12-03 5866
Mini-DeskTop desk accessory by Jim Collette

MOUSER.cvt 2009-08-18 6144
MOUSER V1.0 by Douglas Adams.

NewTools doc.cvt 2009-08-18 11582
geoWrite V1.1 document.
NewTools.cvt 2009-08-18 4629
NewTools V1.0 by David B. Ferguson. NewTools is a Desk Accessory
meant for use in GeoPaint.

newtools2.lnx 2021-11-26 54842
A new set of tools to be used in geoPaint, by David Ferguson

NX10 ALL STYLES.cvt 2009-08-18 5504
Text Print V1.0 by Terry Van Camp.

pattern editor v.cvt 2021-12-08 4733
Edit the 32 geos patterns, by Arthur Dahm

print screen.cvt 2009-08-18 1280
PrintScreen V1.1 by Michael T. Graham.

Printer Choices2.cvt 2009-08-18 2432
Select PrintV2.0 by Rick Coleman.

ReFill.80.cvt 2009-08-18 1152
HelperDA V6.0 by JimmyD.

ReFill.cvt 2009-08-18 1408
HelperDA V6.0 by JimmyD.

ruler1.6.cvt 2009-08-18 4480
ruler V1.6 by Michael T. Graham.

s-mem dump 1.cvt 2021-12-08 1763
Spelunker memory browser by Tony Reynolds. Might only be stable under GEOS
1.3, as it crashes in 2.0+

scrap2vidpg.cvt 2021-11-23 896
geoVidPage Scrap-er

screen printer 2.0.cvt 2021-12-08 972
Screen Printer 2.0 desk accessory by Greg King

screen printer 2.1.cvt 2021-12-10 1020
Screen Printer 2.1 desk accessory by Greg King

screenphoto.cvt 2021-11-24 1255
Capture screen as photo scrap, by David Hall

Select Printer doc.cvt 2009-08-18 1996
Select Printer.cvt 2009-08-18 3712
ChangePrint V1.0 by Jim Collette. The document is in geoWrite V2.1

selector.cvt 2009-08-18 3712
Selector V1.0 by John L. Brown.

Serial Number.cvt 2009-08-18 768
Protectus document. This file may be corrupted.

Show-Font-1.2.cvt 2009-08-18 2944
Show Font V1.2 by Jörgen Eckel.

Show-Font-1.3.cvt 2009-08-18 3456
Show Font V1.3 by Jörgen Eckel.

SpellHelp.cvt 2009-08-18 1664
HelperDA V2.0 by JimmyD.

SWAP-PALBUMS.CVT 2021-11-17 2632
Swap photo albums on disk, by James Lewis Kolb

SWAP-TALBUMS.CVT 2021-11-17 2632
Swap text albums on disk, by James Lewis Kolb

TextPrint-2.5.sfx 2009-08-18 21376
Text Print is a program to print geoWrite files (Write Image V2.0 or
V2.1) using your printer's resident fonts and features.

Wristwatch-4.0.cvt 2009-08-18 1920
Wristwatch V4.0 by Master Blaster. This file may be corrupted.

WRITEHELP.cvt 2009-08-18 1664
HelperDA V1.0 by JimmyD.

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