Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



area codes.cvt 2021-11-25 12811
geoFile database

autodate_ks.cvt 2021-12-23 9718
Set common holiday dates in Calendar

Baseball-stats.lnx 2009-08-18 16388
Baseball statistics templates for geoCalc.

bookcase.cvt 2021-11-25 5664
Book case geoFile database

CardFile.cvt 2009-08-18 10560
Card Filer V1.0 by Red Storm (Joe Buckley). A simple database program.

Expenses.cvt 2009-08-18 9022
geoCalc V1.0 document.
This GeoCalc 128 template will help keep track of your yearly expenses.
Written by Russ Tahsler.

Family tree.lnx 2009-08-18 10467
Template for use with geoFile to help you keep track of your
family tree. A Photo Scrap for the template is included.

geofamily1.lnx 2021-12-17 18796
Family database tool v1 by David Lucas

geoLogger.cvt 2009-08-18 9353
geoLogger V1.0 by Mike Craig.
GEOS128 80 col. disk file cataloging system. Shareware - $5.00.

geomovie.cvt 2021-11-25 11919
geoFile movie database

INET-Addr-geopub.cvt 2021-11-23 6656
geoFile template for internet addresses

ReaderLog.cvt 2021-11-23 6144
geoFile template for Readers

video libary.cvt 2009-08-18 8533
GEOFILE V1.0 document.
this is a video libary template. By Dan Barber (J.Barber9)

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