Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



Adventure Building System.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 39682
AustrConv[SVS].prg 2009-08-18 2305
AustrConv[SVS].txt 2009-08-18 2517
Fixes a bug in the code generated by the AustroSpeed BASIC compiler.
Written by SVS of Fire.

calcplus.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 46509
Rom codes for the (good) spreadsheet cartridge for the Plus4/C116/C16.
Works fine in either Pal or Ntsc. It also contains the complete
documentation, in standard sequential files (ScriptPlus) and example

cassback.lha 2009-08-18 7353
CassBack, a tape back-up program by Martin Gierich

Hardcopy Manager.prg 2009-08-18 9440

jh 3.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 60510
jh 4.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 54560
jh 5.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 79164
James Hehl's software collection. SEQ readers, ASCII to PETSCII converters,
a Lynx archiver, converted animations, electronics projects, documentation.

Megatools-1.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 109664
Megatools-2.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 125493
miscroms.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 87845
Financial Advisor, the C16 tutorial cartridge (that used to come packed
with each machine), LOGO language, SpeedScript+4 (same as the
SpeedScript64 that was originally by Compute magazine and doc file and a
Plus4 keyboard overlay) and James Hehl's Super Utility cartridge with
docs (Utility V4).

OS-r32.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 54800
pet-emu.prg 2009-08-18 1281
pet-emu.readme 2009-08-18 431
plus4 - pet emu - source.txt 2009-08-18 4765
PET Emulator for a 64k machine (either Plus/4, or upgraded 116)

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