** Welcome to the CP/M file area! ** Check also the CP/M web sites at ** <URL:http://www.retroarchive.org/cpm/>. archivers/ Archiving utilities. comm/ Telecommunication software. editors/ Text editors and viewers. faq/ Frequently Asked Questions about CP/M. printer/ Printer utilities. prod/ productivity applications for cp/m programming/ Utilities and documentation for programmers. sys/ System-dependent CP/M software. texts/ Miscellanous documents regarding CP/M. transfer/ Non-CP/M utilities for transfering files between CP/M and other platforms, such as C128 native mode or MS-DOS. unsorted/ Unsorted files, usually in gzipped D71 or D81 disk images zutils/ Utilities for the Z-system. ALLDIRS Index of all directories under the /pub/cpm tree, text version. ALLDIRS.html Index of all directories under the /pub/cpm tree, HTML version. ALLFILES Index of all files under the /pub/cpm tree, text version. ALLFILES_BYDATE Index of all files under the /pub/cpm tree sorted by date. ALLFILES.html Index of all files under the /pub/cpm tree, HTML version. FILETYPES.html Information about archiving formats used on this area. MIRRORS.html List of public mirrors of this archive. README.html General information. READ THIS FIRST!