Commodore Blog

2024/01: Amiga + Unix = AMIX
2023/06: Beyond The BBS
2023/03: Wireless printing, over a serial port!
2021/11: "Look up in the sky!"
2021/08: Welcome Back to Planet Zelch
2021/04: Zee C900 Computer Story
2021/02: Best Week Ever!
2020/03: Here's What You Missed
2020/02: Return of the geoJunky
2020/01: Attack of the Mouse Clones
2018/08: Amiga Recaps, Pt. 1
2018/08: C64Net WiFi Modem Filter State Machine
2018/05: My new friend KIM.
2017/11: PETs are my Business
2017/09: A Post! Now with even more WiFi Modem!
2017/07: C64 Telnet Server
2017/01: So, What's New? A WiFi Modem, That's What!
2016/06: Amiga on Steroids, Complete with Side Effects!
2016/03: Commodore Collector Trudgery
2016/02: Project Batteries: Finished
2016/01: The Strangest Collectables
2015/11: A Tour Around the Lab
2015/11: PC Battery Redux
2015/11: Rare Repair Affairs
2015/10: Look What I Found!
2015/10: When Pee-Cees Leak
2015/09: Commodore 8296D: De-Deutsch-ification
2015/09: Matsushita's Revenge
2015/09: Two Things I'm Not Fixing Right Now
2015/08: The Commodore 128D Journey: Crossroads
2015/08: The Commodore 128D Journey Ends
2015/07: A CIA Mystery
2015/07: Completing the Set
2015/07: How to bathe a PET
2015/07: Re-Introducing the C64 'Aldi'
2015/06: The Commodore 128D Journey Continues
2015/06: The Commodore 128D Journey